The Right Corporate Tax Rate is 0 Percent
Jeffrey Miron The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduced the tax rate on corporate income from 35% to 21%. Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris wants to raise the rate…
The Political Theology That Maintains State Power
While it is tempting to think of state power as being maintained by sheer force, it still needs a “theological” justification, be it secular or religious. The US state is…
Beltway Bandits
Chris Edwards Next year, the new president will face budget deficits and interest costs spiraling upwards. He or she will need to find spending to cut. How about all the waste…
Don’t Knock Nock
Almost 90 years later, Albert Jay Nock’s Our Enemy the State remains a classic and definitive work on examining the state for what it is: a liberty-crushing behemoth. David Gordon…
It’s Good to Be Skeptical of Elections
As with any other government-controlled institution, a high level of public skepticism about elections is healthy.
Don’t Knock Nock
Almost 90 years later, Albert Jay Nock’s Our Enemy the State remains a classic and definitive work on examining the state for what it is: a liberty-crushing behemoth. David Gordon…
Exchange is Not a Zero-Sum Game
One of the oldest and most harmful economic fallacies is the belief that at best, economic exchange is a zero-sum activity. However, free exchange in an unhampered market is always…