Anarchy in the UK
With political turmoil creating anxiety in Great Britain, The Economist chose to describe the political situation as “anarchy.” In reality, this is political chaos, not anarchy, since anarchy is based…
The Reality of Human Action
Human action is not a figment of our imaginations, nor is it a social construct. Praxeology describes real and purposeful actions by people who act on what they know or…
Vance, Like Biden, Flunks Econ 101: Backs Hiking Federal Minimum Wage
Michael Chapman Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, Republican Senator J.D. Vance (OH), is a very smart and admirable man, but when it comes to basic economics—economics vital to liberty—he…
Soracom Announces New IoT Connectivity Platform Services with Deeply Embedded GenAI Capabilities
Soracom Flux and Query Intelligence accelerate IoT projects with GenAI application integration and natural-language network analysis. Soracom, Inc., global provider of advanced Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, today announced two…
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Shares Fascinating Insights at Yesterday’s “COVID Collateral” Event
Jeffrey A. Singer Last evening, the US premiere of the documentary “COVID Collateral: Where Do We Go For Truth?” was screened at the Cato Institute’s Hayek Auditorium. The film was…
VP Picks for Kamala Harris
Chris Edwards Media outlets are identifying vice-presidential options for likely presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Many of the VP options are state governors. Cato grades the governors from “A” to “F”…
Kamala Harris is awful
Kamala Harris represents not merely a continuation of the Obama-Clinton-Biden doctrine of progressive interventionism at home and abroad but an acceleration.
Are CBDCs Getting a Rebrand as “Digital Cash”?
Nicholas Anthony More people are taking notice each day of the risks of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). These concerns have been voiced in the media, in testimonies before Congress,…
House Budget Committee Seeks to Reform Emergency Spending as Senate Prepares to Raid Rainy Day Funds
Romina Boccia and Dominik Lett The Senate is ready to raid the figurative emergency rainy day fund again. As we highlighted in a recent Debt Digest, Senate Appropriations Chair Patty…
The American Tradition of Abolishing Central Banks
The United States abolished its first three central banks, and this was followed by a period of immense economic growth. End the Fed? We did it before and can do…