How Corporate Bailouts Inflate the Money Supply
Continued bailouts undermine the entire economy by rewarding financial failure and discouraging productive economic activity.
Fear is the mind killer: America’s dangerous obsession with ‘safety’
Commonsense safety measures are being replaced in our working culture by an impossible “no risk” standard. A culture of “can do” is replaced by the culture of fear.
Government regulation of competitive firms creates monopolies
Economic mythology said governments must regulate markets to prevent monopolies. In reality, it is the government regulation itself that creates monopolies, which do not emerge in free markets.
The Limitations of Economic Laws
Economic laws represent the real world. They are not ideologies or objects of worship. These laws are not the product of an ideological wish list but rather explain production and…
Local Search Optimization: Top Tips for Boosting Results Through Real-Time Location Data From Smart Devices
Local search optimization is a subsection of SEO that focuses on improving your content and site’s visibility in organic local search results, including in maps. These results pop up at…
How IoT Benefits The Healthcare Industry
IoT is becoming a prominent technology that is being implemented in both homes and commercial environments alike. The healthcare industry is one that will forever be needed. With more of…
How Economists Evaluate Tariffs Versus Income Taxes
Prompted by a listener request, Bob gives the standard economic analysis of tariffs and other types of taxes.
Inequality is caused by inflation
Paul Krugman once claimed that inflation was necessary for relative income equality. The truth is that inflation, by creating winners and losers, increases and exacerbates income inequality.
How capitalism defeats racism
By appealing to the self-interest of buyers and sellers, capitalism foils attempts by lawmakers to create racially constructed limits on voluntary exchange. Capitalism undermines racism.
Inverted, Recessed, and Hung Out to Dry
The great train wreck seems to be happening. Mark Thornton shares his latest guesses and outlook.