The Bait-and-Switch Reality of Post-Watergate “Reforms”
The Watergate scandal spurred a number of “reforms” that ostensibly were implemented in order to make the federal government “more responsive” to the wishes of the people. Not surprisingly, these…
As EV Sales Hit a Speed Bump, NC is Left Waiting for a Return on its VinFast Investment
Marc Joffe With electric vehicle sales growing more slowly than hoped, EV makers are reining in plans to build new car and battery factories. This is coming as a disappointment…
No exceptions, please!
While defenders of democracy claim to hold fealty to the U.S. Constitution, they are quick to jettison it when they claim that democracy itself is in peril. David Gordon disagrees.
Biden’s parting deluge of deceit deserves damning
The president’s latest episode of “transparency” was the same deceitful behavior that has characterized his administration for the past four years. This time, it is employing deceit to “save democracy.”
What Project 2025 says about the Fed
Surprisingly, Project 2025 blames the Fed for exacerbating the cycle of booms and busts, inflating away the value of the dollar, enabling exorbitant deficit spending.
Have we been living in an MMT world since 2008?
What we may call the “spending illusion” is perhaps the gravest error in the history of economic thought and has been deeply embedded in economics since the early twentieth century.
Unelected technocrats are now the nation’s chief executives
For all the regime’s talk about “democracy,” it is clear at this point that the White House is run by unelected personnel who are accountable only to technocratic elites.
Time to reject ‘social justice’ and replace it with real justice
Social justice is a nonsensical term that interferes with the attempts to find authentic justice. It is not about equality so much as it is about imposing outcomes incompatible with…
To Reduce Teen Marijuana Consumption, Legalize It for Adults
Jeffrey A. Singer Colorado and Washington were the first states to legalize recreational marijuana in 2012. The states began allowing retailers to sell marijuana to adults in 2014. Currently, 24…