Will the Losing Side Derail Certification of the 2024 Election?
Walter Olson If Donald Trump loses the 2024 election, it is a given that he will once again claim that he was cheated and should be inaugurated as the legitimate…
The Art of Taxation in Brazil has become a Laughable Spectacle
One way to fight the regime is to laugh at it, as both Murray Rothbard and Hans-Herman Hoppe have urged. If that is the case, Brazil is turning into a…
Selfishness of Soul?
Professor Tara Smith tries to set the record straight regarding Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and reason. Unfortunately, as David Gordon demonstrates, Smith’s analysis misses the mark.
Eseye and NLT Telecom partner to enhance IoT connectivity in Brazil
NLT is chosen for its global quality standards, wide presence in the Brazilian market and recognized expertise of its teams. Eseye, a global pioneer of leading-edge cellular IoT connectivity solutions,…
Global smart meters to double to 3.4B by 2033, generating USD 40B in annual revenue
The world’s leading IoT analyst firm, Transforma Insights, estimates that global smart meters will grow from 1.7 billion in 2023 to 3.4 billion in 2033, by which time smart metering…
The Inflation Reduction Act after Two Years: Spending Estimates Reach New Heights, but Green New Deal Supporters Want More
Travis Fisher and Josh Loucks Today marks the second anniversary of President Biden’s signing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law. Two years after its signing, we are learning…
Massive growth ahead in the Latin American smart electricity metering market
In an era where energy efficiency and sustainability are paramount, Latin America is poised for a transformative leap in smart electricity metering, according to a new report by Berg Insight.…
Selfishness of Soul?
Professor Tara Smith tries to set the record straight regarding Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and reason. Unfortunately, as David Gordon demonstrates, Smith’s analysis misses the mark.
What has the Fed Done to Our Lives?
Most Americans have no idea of the damage that the Federal Reserve system has done to their daily lives. Unfortunately, most Americans are not particularly interested in finding out either.