Gresham’s Law: Why Bitcoin Will Save the World
Does bad money drive out good money? Mark Thornton discusses one of the most impactful principles of modern society.
Does bad money drive out good money? Mark Thornton discusses one of the most impactful principles of modern society.
Republicans today are decrying the “lawfare” that Democrats are using against them, and rightly so. However, had Republicans not vastly expanded federal criminal law during the infamous Wall Street prosecutions…
In this review of Scott Horton’s new book, Enough Already, we see that the wars the US has raged for the past quarter century in the Middle East have been…
No interventionist government or central bank wants lower prices because inflation allows the government to increase its power while slowly breaching its monetary commitments.
Money-supply growth accelerated year over year in August by the largest amount in 23 months. The days of falling money supply growth rates are over.
Are Austrian economists clinging to an old-fashioned view of banking? In short, no, and here is why.
One of the outcomes of the American Civil War was the movement toward centralization of political power in Washington. The Reconstruction regime imposed upon the former Confederate states following the…
As monetary authorities continue to inflate the money supply, they inflict more and more damage upon the currency. Unfortunately, as the economy falters under the inflationary regime, the “solution” always…
What if we could have eavesdropped on a conversation between Fed Chairman Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen? It might have gone as follows….
Kamala Harris claims that she simply wants food prices to be lower. However, her de facto price fixing scheme would create food shortages and raise the real price of food.…