The Top Five Lessons for the Young Economist
The Mises Institute is creating lessons for young economists to better help them evaluate and interpret economic events. Of course, these lessons also apply to anyone else wanting to be…
Is GDP an Accurate Measure of Reality?
Mainstream economists speak of GDP as though it is the economy itself, however, GDP is not a good measure of economic reality. Instead, it presents a distorted picture of genuine…
Governments Had a Major Role in Sustaining Slavery
Despite claims from progressive historians that US slavery was a natural outgrowth of a free market economy, the reality is that slavery would have been much costlier without governments—federal and…
America Now Has Fewer Employed Workers than It Did a Year Ago
The total number of employed persons has fallen by 66,000 since August of 2023. Moreover, the new job growth is almost all in part-time jobs.
Is Artificial Intelligence the Next Easy-Money Bust?
While the world is abuzz over artificial intelligence (AI), present technologies are limited more than most people want to believe. The situation is ripe for malinvestments.
Where Will All the Money Go?
The Federal Reserve wants to be perceived as coming to the economy’s rescue, but the Fed can’t save you. Mark shares some insights from Austrian Business Cycle Theory.
Conceptual Clarity in Dismantling Economic Jargon
Keynesians are known for using obscure and jumbled jargon to explain their fallacious ideas. The hope being that, the more confusing the language, the greater the perceived scholarship. Good economics…
America Now Has Fewer Employed Workers than It Did a Year Ago
The total number of employed persons has fallen by 66,000 since August of 2023. Moreover, the new job growth is almost all in part-time jobs.
The Taboo Against Truth: Holocausts and Historians
In fact, all great states in the 20th century have been killer states, to a greater or lesser degree.