Maryland Judge Dismisses Baltimore Climate-Change Case
Walter Olson On July 10, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Videtta A. Brown dismissed a lawsuit by the City of Baltimore seeking damages from 25 oil companies over climate change.…
How the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals Restarted a (Subsidies) War
Krit Chanwong In Federalist Paper No. 7, Alexander Hamilton warns that commercial policy could be a source of contention and even violence among states. This warning was farsighted: Although interstate…
Assassination Revisionism
On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho discuss the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
Reality Is NOT a Social Construct
Academic elites claim that there is no objective truth, only social constructs. Thus, people can create their own reality in many areas, and everyone else is expected to accept whatever…
Varying Interpretations of Truth, or Truth as a Social Construct
As the progressive Left expands its occupation of our institutions, the concept of truth itself becomes little more than a weapon to utilize to achieve political goals.
Bureaucracy: The Death Knell of Higher Education
Many small colleges are shutting their doors, and it is largely the fault of overexpansion, government protectionism, and bureaucratic infiltration.
From Milk Runs to MAD to Madness
It has been nearly eighty years since the US used atomic warfare on Japan as a way to end World War II. The legacy of that event is not one…
Milei Snubs the Spanish Political Establishment
Javier Milei’s recent “snub” of Spain’s political establishment during a recent visit there may have been a “violation” of diplomatic protocol, but it also was a statement that Spain’s socialism…
Human Ignorance Is an Unstable Basis for Liberty and Praxeology
While F.A. Hayek saw human ignorance as the basis for what he called spontaneous order, Ludwig von Mises saw human reason as the basis for praxeology.